glad to hear you okay . . . . i got a weird PM yesterday stating i could feel your breasts if I gave up a few key XXXL Iron Heart tops . . . I thought about it for a moment but thought it too weird even for me. . . i mean fondling a big a$$ canuck with a beard & DDDs would be a good story to tell while having a brew, kind of like the time with the "hot lunch" but you know.
guess I'll never get to tell that story.
^issues but, we all knew that
glad to hear you okay . . . . i got a weird PM yesterday stating i could feel your breasts if I gave up a few key XXXL Iron Heart tops . . . I thought about it for a moment but thought it too weird even for me. . .
I am attending an athletic contest of a type previously unknown to me. According to our local news media, a "Testimonial Match" for a retiring player is supposed to be quite an honor. I'm not exactly sure what's going on. Nonetheless, Brian Ching is a nice guy and we thought it would be fun to come out for his retirement event.
Ah I can help Chris, this is a game known as "Football", where a "ball" is kicked from one player to another with the "foot", it is played for a full 90 minutes with a short half-time break, touching the ball with the hand is an offence. This is in contrast to a version of "Football" you might be more familiar with where an egg-shaped ball is thrown from one player to another who carries the egg and it is played for on average for 11 minutes within 60 minutes of eating snacks and resting. Hope this helps.
It sounds awful!
It was a pretty fun night. And I don't understand why Brian is retiring; he scored 5 goals in a 70 minute match. That's pretty good, right?
Stands to reason; most games end 1-0. Scoring must be bad. That's why players who break the rules are forced into doing "penalty kicks". Hmm, 5 goals must mean Brian is terrible. No wonder he's giving it up and getting a real job.
Yeah, that totally makes sense. Soccer is so weird. The scoring is too complicated. No wonder us Yanks have such a hard time understanding it. That poor guy though. It must be so embarrassing to do so poorly in your last appearance on the field. I hope he finds some happiness in retirement. Tough break.
Actually, I think he may have been hit in the head with the ball too many times (I think the whole ball hitting the head thing is common in "football" ). He's from Hawaii, but plans to stay here in Houston. That doesn't seem like a rational decision to me.
Visiting my buddy in Austin. This is him and his girl's cat, Peyote. Probably the only cat I like.
Loves beards
Pounding the shit outta some leather
The progress so far after almost an hour
^ Did the same but I can't show pictures on a "family" forum.
^ Did the same but I can't show pictures on a "family" forum.
Hah! I'm not gonna lie, my arm is getting sore.
2 hours of swinging a hammer yours would be to!
OT it turned out alright despite my tendency to feck everything up.
Now off to dye it.