Random questions to which you seek an answer
@Alex will the purple ombre make a return? My most wanted of flannels!
@MSav32323 I have the whipcord A2 myself, and it is an excellent jacket. Wear it and the issue should resolve itself
@MSav32323 worry not about those creases. They'll soften and disappear with wear. and you'll simply forget about them over time. Enjoy your IH.
@Alex great news, thank you very much
@Tago-Mago as @Alex mentioned earlier I was one of the few who had just bought the red/black buffalo check from the re-stock.. a week or two later and I couldn’t wait for the re-stock of the purple ombre then it arrived at IH and was red/black ombre
@Tago-Mago two different fabrics entirely, you definitely need the chalk stripe
@DeeDee85 I’ll be honest, this is the strongest lineup of shirts for me personally since I’ve been following IH (admittedly, that’s only been 4 years…). I like all of them which is exactly why I have to limit myself. Right now, one of the deciding factors is colour, so anything blue is automatically demoted. Apart from the sashiko obviously, because I am a walking contradiction
@jordanscollected Thanks for the comforting words
@Tago-Mago Thanks so much!
@goosehd Thank you again for the assistance, super appreciated! Very excited about this piece, will enjoy it for years and years to come!
@MSav32323 as I said it’s a lovely jacket. Enjoy wearing it:
@Tago-Mago completely understand where are you coming from.. I have it in my head I really don’t need two flannels in similar colours, but seriously consider buying every indigo shirt that gets released, even though I already have 6