IH-634S - 21oz Selvedge Denim Straight Cut Jeans - Indigo
Didn't feel like taking pics today for some reason. Maybe because I was at the dentist all morning and am jet lagged on top of it. I took on flick of the soak but that was it. Sorry to be a bummer today. I will make up for it real soon, just wait…
So there really is no right way or wrong way IMO. I soaked them in the tub inside out with some non-scented Dr. Bonners for about 1 hour. They were constantly agitated as well since the drain is shit and I had to just keep filling the tub while soaking. After they soaked I drained the tub and let the filth run off. Then I used Dr. Bonners Eucalyptus Scented to scrub the inside and then outside of the jeans. I did not use a brush but rather a clean rag as I am not a fan of accelerating the wear. I focused specifically on areas like the crotch, back of the knees, cuffs, and waistband. Anywhere sweat builds up, I scrubbed! Then I rinsed them until n more soap was visible running off of them. They are currently hang drying under the heat lamps in the bathroom…
Gilbertt, it is all up to you. Mine were over 7 months but around 2 days of wear a week. Lately the place I have been were hot and I sweat quite a bit so I just felt the need. It's up to you but I usually would say the longer the better, unless there is a need (ie. Bad spill, stain, etc.). All up to you. Usually I document things but I decided I just want to let this pair be no worries. They are just jeans, GREAT JEANS, THE BEST JEANS, but just jeans. I take extremely good care of them and pay more attention to them than most things in my life but they are jeans and the are meant to age however they choose. I am sure I will love them. So much life to be lived in them and so many more places and adventures to be had!
I somehow ended up w a pair of 634S with a 35.5" inseam, do they shrink at all with an initial soak? Its tagged size 34… i thought they were all 34"?
Ok… i generally give all my dry denim an initial soak to soften them up, would that be a bad idea in this case? Seems like after a soak the creases behind the knee aren't usually as pronounced...
I've been telling myself that IH denim would be way too hot for SD but Lando convinced me otherwise... so if i die of a heat stroke it's all his fault! ha ha
They're pretty soft anyway. I would not soak, you'll achieve nothing. Giles
Cool beans, thanks G
They're pretty soft anyway. I would not soak, you'll achieve nothing. Giles
I normally do an initial soak to remove the starch from raw jeans even if sanforized. I've heard it said that the starch weakens the cotton fibres. So your saying no need to do that then with the 634S?
Next time (if there is one), get in touch and I will make sure you get a paiur that are 34.
There will definitely be a next time… i ordered a few items to test the proxy waters and it went err OK haha … i accidentally ordered a size XL 10oz Chambray even though i told him i wanted an L in any shirts i ordered, and the inseam on the 634S are a bit long. Live and learn.
Haha yeah the chocolate was a nice touch
I put down the sizes i wanted but accidentally linked an XL auction cause i was busy at work and he just bought what i linked… my fault. And yeah the inseam isn't his fault... i had him email the store front seller to verify the inseam length and he told Hide it was an even 34" but it arrived as 35.5
I've been telling myself that IH denim would be way too hot for SD but Lando convinced me otherwise… so if i die of a heat stroke it's all his fault! ha ha
I'll take the wrap if you do but something tells me you will be just fine! Oh and if you die, can I get your jeans? JK
Hahaha yes, i'll just scribble my will up on this el pollo loco napkin sitting here on my desk…
Ahhh what am i gonna do with an extra 3" of inseam? haha i'm wondering if i should send them off to be hemmed or try a double cuff or something.. they're so thick though i dunno how well that'd work out.