Wax Treasure (Vinyl)
Some fine Mexican blues
Picked this up at the weekend
Iron Maiden is one of my music constants over the decades, but I don’t own any vinyl records of them. This is why:
In high school one of my best friends was a metal head, while I was looking like a mod and into ska and skate punk of the mid 80’.
One of the bands of is huge collection I liked most was Iron Maiden.
Ten years later I moved into the apartment, my later wife and her brother lived in. When he went to study, I had access to a huge metal CD/vinyl collection he left behind and I heard most of it. Outstanding again was IM.
A few years later a good friend donated me his metal vinyl collection, but later on we had to finance his divorce with it.
Kept ‘The Number Of The Beast’ and used it as a present for his 50’ birthday.Should I fill this gap?
@Aetas - hahaha, fun story. it's inevitable that its going to happen, even without your intervention
@Aetas as others said, I think Maiden will find you.
@Aetas @Tago-Mago my , and likely many Americans, first exposure to their music was through the theme song of this television show
Speechless about this ATW record …@prpx
Even digital this is beautiful, but how does it sound on recordaPrpx?
@Aetas - wonderful record indeed. Missed original issue so was so happy when i found this release last year
@Aetas - can’t say that i notice much difference between eg tidal version and the vinyl. This release hasnt been remastered so the sound dynamics are very natural and its not so fuzzy as the dying surfer.