God save the quetzal!
So tonight I’m flicking through this book
It’s Jacobs bed time so we start to go up to bed and he turns round and says “dad why are you reading Fock that’s delicious” however the pronunciation makes both myself and the wife question what he has said
His response was
“ did you think I replaced the O with a U ?, I know my swear words mummy and dad”
Didn’t really know whether to laugh ( I did ) or be in shock -
I’ve been reading to Nikki’s belly at night, bedtime stories to get Mushie (what we’ve named our unborn) familiar with my voice. I’m new to parenting, so I’m not sure if it’s too early to be introducing baby to technology, but I got them their first mobile phone….
@Matt booooo!!!
My first experience of a really bad sickness bug in the little one this week. A Norovirus type bug going around Portsmouth and I think between baby and mum we have had near near 50 vomits in the last couple of days. 4am wake up to bath the little one today was not how I envisaged starting my day
both have kept some toast down this morning so hopefully on the mend :hand_with_index_and_middle_fingers_crossed: I feel like with nursery etc this is just the beginning but big respect to those with multiple kids dealing with these bugs, it takes some serious mettle!
@EdH should have used Q for quetzalcoatl
@AdamC I love how people go and say; I've never been sick a day in my life. My sole response is: "wait untill you have kids".
On the sunny side: I'm now immune to just about everything -
@scarfmace haha so true, I have had more illnesses this last year than the last 10
I feel you @AdamC. Baby H started at nursery this week and is well so far. On balance, I'd rather she caught everything now and was able to attend school. My cousin didn't do nursery with hers, and the kiddo missed most of their first term of real school as they were the kid who'd catch every single bug going around.
@AdamC Yeah, I feel your pain. I had a bad bug in November and spent 28 hours either in bed or in the loo, while I was supposed to be on holiday no less. I can't blame the bab for that one though, seems like Mrs H and I caught that on the plane and, thankfully, Baby H avoided it entirely.
I feel for you guys with the bugs and illnesses cause we’ve been there and back. For something a little different but equally painful, try to imagine arguing daily with a 12 year old (who cannot admit they are wrong and have an undeveloped prefrontal cortex) about Minecraft, colonizing Mars, nutrition, screen time, sleep habits, chores, grades, fighting with your sister…the list is infinite and varied. This is the stuff that slowly drives a parent mad. Anyway, kids are cute and great!