Berlin - April 2012
And on the way home again…
I am here: -
Do you know this feeling of having looked forward to something and then be rather disappointed, since there was such anticipation that reality simply could not live up to it?
I am so happy to report the exact opposite. Yes, I did have some high anticipation and w a s very much looking forward, but this afternoon chez DC4 and neighboring restaurant was so fekking (hi Nem!) brilliant, so wonderful, that all my expectations were boldly exceeded.
Giles and Madame Buttonfly in the flesh, British style, caustic humour, and real charme (you figure out who-which ;D) and denim talk, denim talk, denim talk. Yeah.
But that was not all, far from it. FOXY joined us, wearing some highly desirable collab IH's, and having with him some loot for me. Meeting him is always a great joy, pity it does not happen more often. "The wife" also put in an appearance, after having done a little for Berlin's always troubled economy. (And possibly hoping to having circumvented all that denim talk, I suspect).
And then there was Daniel, of course. I have heard so much about him, and I was mad about never having met the guy, after all, we live in the same city. Now I know why everyone who h a s met him raves about him, he is not only a true to the core denim head, but so welcoming and generous. His DC4 store has to be second to none when it comes to high-end denim in the city. I was given a grand tour (you've seen it all, of course, in Giles' pics already), the wash and soak room in the making, the awesome Union Special collection, that is enabling him to offer chain stitch service in every conceivable variation.
Ah, I was the proverbial kid in the candy store. Tried on some Devil's Fits, and was humbled by what large a size I need in them. I was cautious enough to leave plastic money at home…I would have loved to buy basically the entire store! But really did only buy a magazine. Daniels staff guys are all great as well, knowledgeable and helpful. Thank you all!
So here's a couple of pics (my posts about such things have that regrettable tendency to be very wordy...)
FOXY, Giles, and Daniel, not posing in the least…..
Mme B (current hostess to the 634S World Tour, she was duly wearing them, my second encounter with these epochal jeans, I had seen them on FOXY last year when we first met), and Ollie from DC4.
Mme B and the very man Daniel. That's his staple facial expression!
Can you tell I had a ball? I really had. Was in the best mood eversince. Even the sun came out (no small feat in Berlin's present weather, it was freezing winter a week ago, at Easter!). A big thanks to all, I am honoured to have met you. And a special thanks to Daniel for the little goodies.
Now, back to normal life….sigh
A little extra:
I probably should not, but I do it anyway. These pics were sort of pirated, a pair of Sammies that Daniel has in store sent in for some repair. I had to remember all my good manners not to steal them, even the size would have been right.
If the rightful owner sees this: I hope for some post-facto permission to show these, and if you ever want to sell them: I've asked first!!!
those are great.
thanks for the images & the write-up 501/IH
TY 501, Ur description not only made me feel like i were there but it also made me mad i wasn't there. Lucky you..One day i would hope I get to meet some of you amazing people. I dont have one close friend who has the same passion for clothes and denim as I do, My attempts at talking about such things with anyone is quickly met with "Sal U are such a shopaholic" But the spending money part is not what gets me going…Its the journey to literally sift through rows and rows of clothes for hours in a 2nd hand store or a place like Century 21 to find that one spectacular item that makes u say outloud "HOLY SHIT". Thank god for forums and you people as if i were alone in any of this I would simply be known as a shopaholic.
Mme B and the very man Daniel. That's his staple facial expression!
One of constant shock and bewilderment…..
Great to meet you 501/IH, sorry we had to make a dash for the airport.
I have to say that the 634S that 501/IH (ex nemesis) were wearing, were some of the most beautifully fecked Iron Heart that I have ever seen...
Great to meet you too Foxy.
Hope to see you all again soon.....
Very many thanks for all your appreciative comments.
Giles, I am humbled by your compliment about my 634S, where all credit, of course, goes to the previous owners. Now there will hardly be any way around for me to post these here…, always work.
Thinking back to yesterday still puts a smile on my face.