IH-555-xx - Super Slim Jean
damn…why you guys have to bring 5 pair of badass bottoms on the market in such a short time...so freaking hard to decide
This right here. It's between the Devil Ducks and these bad boys. Leaning towards this one as I need a new alternative to OD denim.
Just awaiting the funds..>:(
damn…why you guys have to bring 5 pair of badass bottoms on the market in such a short time...so freaking hard to decide
This right here. It's between the Devil Ducks and these bad boys. Leaning towards this one as I need a new alternative to OD denim.
Just awaiting the funds..>:(
I'm with you man. Not sure i could pull off ducks every day though. Will definitely get both eventually
Sssssssssssss exy
I have been noticing my pair has some shine developing…is that usual with the 18 oz denim or normal for most ? This could also be something I never noticed on my other pairs because I sped up the ageing affect previously so I never got to see it happen naturally
I have been noticing my pair has some shine developing…is that usual with the 18 oz denim or normal for most ? This could also be something I never noticed on my other pairs because I sped up the ageing affect previously so I never got to see it happen naturally
my BBxRaws were starting to get a bit shiny after awhile aswell.. read some where that the shiny areas could be higher in bacteria growth and with the shine will slow down the fading.. could be wrong but made sense to me.. i hot soaked mine after reading that and the shine went away and the jeans looked better.. i love the natural sheen of denim, but when your arse is all shiny from constant wear it looks kinda bad.. you feel me?
I haven't noticed any shine on my 666s and if your bacterial growth story is true they should be super shiny, considering all the sweating I did in them this summer. They've got about a month total of wear and 1 hot soak at the beginning.
Yea mine are shiney on my upper thigh area right about where my pockets bags are showing through. I think its because that's an area where the jeans are pretty tight to my leg . I'm gonna try to capture what it looks like. I recently bought a pair of 1.5 year old unbranded jeans off some guy on eBay. When I got them they were covered in compacted dirt which literally made the jeans look like they had been waxed. They also were honestly one of the best looking jeans iv ever seen fade wise that is. I washed them as soon as I got em and yes the shine disappeared. That being said I don't think mine are shining like those where due to the dirt accumulated on them I mean i've only had mine for about 3 weeks.
Here are some pics..U can kinda see the shine