In the wild: Animals edition
@sabergirl he’s probably running from a bobcat
Here are a couple of throwbacks from a trip to Yellowstone National Park, Summer 2018
@twin beautiful. They were pry admiring your IH-33 just as much as you were them.
@flannel-slut This photo was taken about a hour ago. There were 3 of them. But the one did not like the 33.
red squirrel 1.o.w
Osprey dipping his… cloaca?? And grabbing sips in Vail, CO. We have a few of these and the occasional red shouldered hawk near our home as well
badgers getting frisky on my terrace
@Matt theres a nature reserve behind my cabin.
Quite the follow up to such a beautiful pic of the osprey
Dude always hanging out by our porch