IH-666SB - Superblack Devil's Fit
Oh, looks promising. Can't wait for fitpics and measurements!
I'm glad I didn't buy those 9634Zs. Hope the measurements on these are what I'm after.
Little typo: hem in 33 is 8.1 I assume. Measurements look great (although the thighs are fairly tight).
To short damn…..
^SB is never selvage. I'm also tempted to give them a try. But I'd have to let go my 555 SBG then - I don't need two pairs of black jeans.
Is there any further shrinkage to be expected? The inseam ist already on the shorter side for me…
I'm seriously tempted, but fear that the thigh will turn out too small :-\
(BTW, it says "See discussed in the Triple Works Section". And the 3.1 hem has returned. Don't hate me for telling you :-X)
Just can't help noticing and playing the wiseguy