Diets: the whole30, paleo, …!
Feels good, doesn't it? I'm at 4 weeks, minus two nights of beer slip-ups. It's amazing how upset my stomach was after a couple nights of light drinking. Cutting all the grains/wheat/starches out really does make a difference, for me.
Anyone had any experience with Gluten-free beer? Is it even worth it?
- I apologize for two derailments in one post -
feels really great i have to say. missing nothing so far tbh.!
the power is the same (if not even more) as with using/eating carbs. took a bit for me to get used to it, like 3-4days, but now everything´s perfect…
never heard of gluten-free beer tbh., maybe eli can tell us more about it?! -
Much better place for this convo. Thanks.
Gluten-free beer is increasing in popularity here in Southern California. Gluten-free diets are kind of the new trend. I've never tried the GF beers, but I will check some out, eventually, and report back.
I can't imagine that they're any good, but who knows.
so what to say…
i´m on day 9 today and there´s nothing i´m missing so far.
couldn´t be happier and i´m really happy to say, that starting with this "program" really was one of my best moves so far. feeling stronger and fitter from day to day.started with 214lbs. and after one week i´m done 5lbs. (3x gym and 1x cardio during the week!)...
so thanks to all the guys introducing this to ya
so today is day29 into paleo, which also means it´s the 2nd to last day before i´m done with my first "whole30" challenge.
so far i´ve lost 11lbs. (first two weeks i went to the gym like 3times a week, then i got inked and had to stop working out for the last 2weeks, only a 4min. tabata workout each morning), so i think if i´d have been able to work out during the whole 30 days, i would have lost a lot more (thinking 15-20lbs.)!
the only "bad thing" i did during those 30days was that i had 2-3nights of drinking alcohol on the weekends…during the week i only had tap water and green tea.
diet-related i always was at 100% though, so no hard feelings about those 2-3nights tbh. ...i´m totally satisfied and happy with the actual situation though
i´ve discovered my love for cooking (and taking pics of it ^^ ), i have way more power during the whole day. no more problems with going to bed at a certain time and also my sleep/sleeping habbits have improved a lot as well. my skin got better and i´m about to get back in shape again...back to the "old me" i was like 4years ago (still some work to do though!).**so i have to say trying this was one of the best moves i´ve made during the last few months/years, considering i´m a guy that likes to eat a lot and a lot of almost everything…everything bad
so personally spoken, cutting back on all the bad stuff = carbs and sugars was definitely the right way to go!
all in all i´m pretty happy and satisfied at the same time, that i´ve went for all of this and tbh. i´m definitely going to keep on going...not gonna stop after those 30days are over, that´s for sure!so thanks to all of those that brought paleo into my life (Jeff and Gav especially!)...thanks y´all!**
btw. here are some great infos for all those that want to start with the "whole 30" program, about what´s ok to have and about things you shouldn´t eat during your own "whole30":
…just found out about it, but i def. won´t cut back on eating my beloved pancakes (not really satisfied with the explanation why eating eggs and a banana shouldn´t be the same as eating eggs + a banana, mixed together cooked in a pan!?). at the same time i won´t hold back with eating 85% chocolate from time to time…don´t think that those two things are going to "ruin" the whole "result" of this program, so i´m still going to enjoy eating those things!thanks for your time guys, i´m out, peace!...
Great job!
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Good work there. Quite tempted to try this. Been following a traditional bodybuilding bulk/cut diet for about 10 years. Since i have little desire to be big or on the other hand 'ripped' anymore i am growing tired of the traditional way of eating. Your pics of all the food have got me thinking.
Yeah, delicious AND healthy? No downside there!
Great work
I'm GF/DF anyway - in an atttempt to suppress my IBS (or whatever is wrong with me) - I do eat GF bread and pasta. Thinking I should try Paleo. Heard mixed things in terms of Paleo and IBS.
edits; also looked at diets related to FODMAP etc. Honestly open to try something new, but I'm unwilling to eat any carb other than rice
thanks a lot gentlemen…
Yeah, delicious AND healthy? No downside there!
but this right here is the salient point of it all imo…no downsides, it only gets better and better from day to day!
unless of course you believe the people who say that eating animal products increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc
I'm not a vegan, just sayin the real truth is hard to know
seriously, congrats Finn and d666 and all you folks putting in work and making yourselves healthier
Yeah. I think physiologies are too divergent for there to be a single answer to diet.
The latest overhyped study against red meat for heart health, impugning L-Carnitine, has already been debunked, as have claims that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease.
I maintain that lean animal proteins as part of a balanced diet are good for you.
Do you think heart disease is the only malady to be concerned about?
Yeah. My blood is in great shape today, but it wasn't always like that for me. I grew up in the deep South of the US, and we eat fucking terribly unhealthily down there. Delicious food that will kill you. A lifetime of trans-fats, starches, fatty, nitrate-laden meats…. It's no wonder why diabetes, hypertension, morbid obesity, and heart disease reign supreme in that region. And I have a history of heart disease on both sides of the family.
So my blood was in awful shape a few years ago, but since I've started working out and watching what I eat my triglycerides, glucose, HDL, and LDL are really good now. Watching what I eat has mainly been portion sizes and a sort of modified paleo. I think the biggest difference-maker for me has been the removal of grains, particularly wheat, and refined sugars from my diet. I believe eating fish and skinless poultry and other lean proteins such as pastured steak has worked for me, but I definitely respect vegan and vegetarian diets as healthful alternatives, as long as they don't lean too heavily on grains and carbohydrates.
There's a cardiologist named Dr William Davis who has two blogs and some associated books that has some interesting things to say about wheat and heart disease. is about atherosclerosis and not just halting its advance, but reversing it. is about the perils of wheatAnother interesting article that sums up some recent research on the perils of sugar and its putative link to a host of maladies, including cancer, was published by the Times a while back.'m not a doctor or a nutritionist, but nixing sugar and wheat has been a part of lifestyle changes (it's hard to know how much credit lives there and how much with exercise) that have had dramatic results for my blood and blood pressure.