John Lofgren (Speedway)
I sold them because I need orthopedic insoles and they didn’t fit with them .
But yes they are very comparable to the Iron Rangers , I had them both on 9.5 . The Lofgren might be a little roomier in the toe box but not much. -
@Daniel-San thank you mate.
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot fave boots of all time!
@Mizmazzle I’ve got a pair (of new to me) burgundy that I’ve been meaning to get going - thanks for the inspiration
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot Dude!! You and I have such a similar taste (and maybe every other person on this forum
But I've got the Burgundy Lofgren Engineers on my Christmas wish list....right next to a bunch of GAH!!
the leather aged beautifully, just awesome
great work mate !
but they are crying for care -
@Mizmazzle that’s beauty man!
@Daniel-San may be right. I tend to let my boots go awhile before conditioning them up. And generally I do more boot care in the winter just because I'm inside the house more. One of my favorite things to do is put on a record, pour a bourbon, and pamper my boots!!
great ritualcheers !
Very comfortable right off the bat. Better than my JL combats or engineers. Super impressed.
CXL Roughout Donkey Punchers.
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot thanks dude. Finally grabbed a pair.
@stitchdown-shell very nice boots. Congrats.
@stitchdown-shell amazing boots! If I would have known about them when I bought my M43 I might have snagged these first
Beat down like a horsebutt
@FlavourFade @Neru-6 Thanks, gents! I wore them all week and they are awesome.
fantastic boots , still sad I had to sell mine 🥲
missing the kilties , don’t you like them? -
@Daniel-San Thank you. I like the look without