Giles's Swim for Charity
A few weeks ago, I decided that I would have a crack at being accepted for the Solent Swim Challenge. This is 2.5 nautical mile (2.8ish real miles) open water swim between the UK mainland and The Isle of Wight. Apart from an excuse for me to get fitter (well fit), it also means that I can raise money for the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust.
The main problem was that my swimming was awful, the first time I jumped in the pool after making the decision to give it a go, I managed a pretty rubbish 300 meters – none of it being front crawl. I was told I needed to do a mile in 45 minutes to be considered, so that has been my main focus for the last few weeks. Last Wednesday I managed a mile in 46 minutes (the 6 must have somehow looked like a 5 on the application form) and I have been accepted.
My next target is a mile in less than 45 minutes without stopping Yes, I did stop loads of times (like at the end of every length on my 46 minuter…)
I will keep this thread updated, not just with how my swimming is improving, but also how we are doing towards my goal of raising £5,000 ($8,000ish) for Ellen's charity.
Between now and the swim on the 17th August we will be donating $5 of every sale of over $200 that comes in through the Iron Heart shop. So just by spending with us you will be helping....:D
You can also donate here, if you'd like.
Thank you in advance.
This is going to be tough for me but I also want it to be a lot of fun, so piss-taking etc will be thoroughly welcomed.
And here is me on the beach with the Isle of Wight in the background. No, I did not get into the water, I just wanted to show off my new "Japanese Blue" swim cap.
Thought by now you'd have a denim strap on those goggles. That's an amazing improvement in 3 weeks….You swam a lot at one time, as well as sailed? I blew out a shoulder once by swimming long and far in cold water and not stretching/warming up enough. I'm back to 3/week old-man-lap-pool now and stretch ten minutes before ...
Thank you. I've never swum half a mile let alone a mile before this training. I've done a load of Scuba diving, but very little surface swimming, so I am extraordinarily pleased with my progress. All I have been focussing on is doing the mile in the time. Now I can start working on technique, like how to use my legs rather than dragging them behind me etc etc. I'm doing a 25M length in between 25 and 30 seconds and about 26 strokes….Looking forward to seeing how that changes with time.
Lot of strokes. But why not, at least it chews up calories for carb consumption later. Someone your length should probably be 18-20 strokes. I bet by the end you may even be less. Once you get going you'll glide more and exhale longer….still, that's amazing to be doing that in 3 weeks. Open water though is different than may need to churn faster, like you're doing now. Your body can always do it: like most everything's mental endurance. I like the idea you are swimming direct in a line to somewhere. Most of the ones here you swim around buoys 400 yards apart, set 100 yards offshore somewhere random. I'd rather pick up litter.
Supa cool G! Best of luck to you!!!
Approx £1,500 over the week end. Amazing. Thank you so much to those of you who have dug deep thus far…..
Tonight I go and start practicing at no-stopping. Goal, is a mile with no stops by the time I go to Japan in mid May.
We started to get a little professional (at spending, that is), we bought me a swimming specific wetsuit. We decided to get a cheap one and up-spec if I need to nearer the swim....
Hey Giles,
You can never have enough googles, I swear by these and I have rinsed though a great many pairs:
That link had me looking at ladies in swim suits… I suddenly thought of Giles in this'un
... and well there went my appetite... Although he might pull it off in black...
Can you swim? Can you teach?
I'm happy to help you if I can Giles. I have quite a lot of swim experience, have taught a bit too. Have you looked into this yet: - its the technique du jour, I find it quite frustrating as it is quite measured and slow but it might suit you well (i.e.: long distance). I come from water polo roots so I have a more brutalist style.
great goal & cause G$.
now when you are sweet talking the lady you can really say & mean you would swim across the _______ for her love
Cost me £18 to be told I was crap…..
That doesn't seem very cost effective. Paula probably tells you that daily for free.