Japan Trip - November 2010
Have a safe trip Mr. & Mrs. G
On a side note (i hope this isnt an outrageous request)
I'D DIE FOR PICS OF THE OVERDYE PROCESS ON THE IHSH 22-OD. It's dip dye i assume?that being said, enjoy visiting denim heaven
pocari sweat is damn fine drink indeed! Safe travels!
I'm at the airport in San Francisco right now, see you in 13 hours!
Bad ass… lookin forward to lots of group pics
Say hello to Daniel for me! Safe travels and keep the photos coming! Wanna see that new G12 in action!!!
Hey, Landocal! Daniel says big Hi! Sitting in the hotel bar with G, Daniel, the Swiss VMC crew and waiting for Kiya and Demitra. Talking about… mmm... denim (another collab being discussed!)
Missing you (and Beats, Peter, Will, Denimsailor etc. etc. etc. etc.) Must do an Iron Heart meet-up in Japan! Promise to post some pics soon.
p.s. Daniel says did you receive the t-shirt?
Hey, Landocal! Daniel says big Hi! Sitting in the hotel bar with G, Daniel, the Swiss VMC crew and waiting for Kiya and Demitra. Talking about… mmm... denim (another collab being discussed!)
Missing you (and Beats, Peter, Will, Denimsailor etc. etc. etc. etc.) Must do an Iron Heart meet-up in Japan! Promise to post some pics soon.
p.s. Daniel says did you receive the t-shirt?
I miss hanging with you guys too! Take care be safe