DWCxUHR - Denim World Championship Ultra Heavy Raws…
I haven't worn these as much as I'd like to but I put them on every chance I get… mostly weekends and after work (sitting around the apartment). I like the color and weight a lot but I'm not super into the fit. I may try to shrink them a bit more and probably get them shortened an inch when I get my first repair done. Also, I'll update my competition page sometime in the week with a couple more photos... but for now, here's this. I tried to color correct the red shirt as it looks blown out to me. I have no idea what I'm doing in lightroom.
Don't have a pair of these but I reckon you just gotta wear them. My 25oz were so tight at the beginning they bruised and cut my hips but eventually stretched enough to be comfy. Have heard of people making the waist damp and wearing it till dry.
Yeah, I'm getting bruised and cut as well. I'm going to just push through and hope they stretch some more…
Same here.. I'm 25 days in in my IHXB01xUHR and had a little stretch (0,5cm) .. My hips burn every evening. I hope i will get some more stretch with time. The UHR Denim is amazing ..
A nicely faded pair from Heddels (former RawrDenim):
Just tried mine on since the weather is getting cooler in NYC. Still tight as feck in the waist. Great fit everywhere else. Any suggestions for stretching out the waist, or just wear them and tough it out?
Soak them and then take a car jack. (scissor jack / widow maker) to them:
Hey thought I would post hear since I'm still can't figure out how to post pics on the DWC forum.I've got about 10,000 miles on these jeans riding my bike.They have been to Sacramento a couple of times Vegas 3 times,Mexico 3 times and the list goes on,all over So. Cal. , Central Cal, Nor Cal. Summer winter and everything in between they are awesome jeans hope everyone is well out there in IH forum land
@den213 thanks!
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