Random Rants
snow again, why can't people drive, & why do I pay all that money for private school & my kids are out of school more than public schools, COME ON SON
seems like I got a lot to get off my chest
**hectic hope your folks make out okay
On train up to London to celebrate Mrs G's birthday with her. No effing power outlets for my PC - expect me to fizzle out soo….....................................
just found a power outlet that says in big writing "NOT FOR PUBLIC USE". Dunno why, because it works for me..............
On train up to London to celebrate Mrs G's birthday with her. No effing power outlets for my PC - expect me to fizzle out soo….....................................
just found a power outlet that says in big writing "NOT FOR PUBLIC USE". Dunno why, because it works for me..............
lol stubborn crew much?
too much HW… cant do it all
the royal mail of england, never in my life have i experienced more problems with a postal service then with yours. my jersey which supposedly left yorkshire on the 11th of december has yet to arrive and all i hear from you guys is that it is in transit….is it coming to me on the mayflower ???
I'm a laid back kind of guy - but what makes my blood boil is narrow minded (and norrow waisted) Belgians banging on about us Scots and our poor use of the (ahem) English language
Soon in my hood: a yelling Scottsman rapelling down from the roof throwing about smoke grenades wearing a white wifebeater…
the royal mail of england, never in my life have i experienced more problems with a postal service then with yours. my jersey which supposedly left yorkshire on the 11th of december has yet to arrive and all i hear from you guys is that it is in transit….is it coming to me on the mayflower ???
I can only copy this, I run a mailorder business and have shippings going around the globe everyday and the Royal Mail is one of the most crappy postal service's in the world.
And for your waiting since Dec 11th, I'm in no way surprised to hear such things. Just could find out today that 3 of my packages send to the UK in December are waiting since 3 weeks in a f*cking Royal Mail warehouse to go out on delivery to my customers.
A big thumbs up on this occsion to UPS. Shipped yesterday, arrived today, I wasn't home, called and will pick it up tonight, two hours after the normal post has closed.