IH-805 - 21oz Indigo Selvedge Denim Double Knee Overalls
I agree on many points @Denman-John Just curious, if you 'destroy 3-4 or so pairs of Carhartts a year at work' doesn't that sum up to the price of at least one 805? I'm not doing my professional work in bibs, but when I'm working around my cottage I love to wear my 806. Since this does by far not happen every day (maybe 4-5 days a month) they last very well.
@endo This week I said to myself “fuck it” and wore the 805s to work. It was a lot easier than I imagined. I’ll put them in the work rotation and wear them on the lite days and see how long they last before becoming full on “work pants”. What I mean by that is when I start wearing a pair of pants to work, there is a period of time where I can wear them to work and also out casually. Inevitably the time come when they become full time work pants due to stains, tears, wear, etc…
These 805s are amazing bibs and I think they will last a long time with consideration. My initial thought was to wear them casually, but it makes sense now to fit them into my work rotation as well. I was hesitant at first to wear them to work due to the price point and my history with work clothes, but I still have my Carhartts for the ugly stuff. Wearing them to work will also help me break them in/fade them as they won’t be competing with my 822s as much for my casual wear time. I really like my 822s and have a hard time wearing anything else since I got them at the beginning of the year. I’m still thinking of getting another pair of overalls later this year and entering them into the Indigo Invitational next year, but let’s wait and see how this year goes…
@Denman-John that's sounds very reasonable, but even more your words speak joy and feeling good. This is the way.
A first post!
805 versus verdant brewing co
6 months of work worn most days
2 repairs
Lots of washes because I can’t seem to not plaster myself in beer or hop at least once a weekTo anyone considering these just do it, they’re beautiful. Never thought I’d be an overall guy but now I don’t want to take them off
Bought my usual waist (32) and like the fit a lot. Bit snug post wash always but they stretch to v comfortable within a day
@Giles +12
@ejk9192 excellent first post, welcome to the brotherhood
@Heavy_blue thank you mate! @T4920 We definitely don’t make enough bloom these days!!
@ejk9192 just wow.. just putted the 805 out of my head and you make me wanting it
@goosehd did you just move this off topic tangent of a post back to the product thread after I made the effort to be a good citizen and move the conversation to 'random conversations?'
If you're playing around, bravo, that got a laugh out of me, but if not, I'm SO confused
@T4920 A single post or two really isn't a conversation that warrants moving. In this case, your post by itself didn't make any sense without the relevant information which is concerning the beer and the person making it.
Thread drift is when a conversation is so far off topic that it doesn't make any sense in a thread talking about a specific topic.
One or two offhand comments in a thread is pretty normal around here. Fifteen posts that does not relate to the topic deserves their own home.
@Denman-John Briliant! I feel your joy!!
@ejk9192 Welcome - I’m just starting to use a pair for work and hope they look as cool as yours do when they hit 6 months.
@Denman-John Bib-poetry. Loved every single word. Glad to hear your perspectives and wish you lots of joy with them on, brother! Would be amazing to see you enter Y5 in 805
@ejk9192 Fabulous!! Keep on brewing the bib brew!! Thanks for sharing. Cheers