Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan
Thank you ALL
I'm fune
I'm fune→I'm fine ・・・・
Great to hear, Haraki! The best of luck to you and your family and friends.
Great news Haraki…
btw. here's an update on Corter's "Help for Japan Bracelets" projekt...
Here's where I'm at today- $14,000 raised for Japan in about 3 1/2 days, almost 1000 bracelets ordered (about $15 per bracelet will end up going to the Red Cross in Japan). My two roomates- Sarah, stamping return addresses, and Tara, online addressing packages- are pitching in as much as they can so I can make all of the bracelets.
and my job tonight- packing 500 envelopes (each box has 100 addressed envelopes. Miss Corter and I did 300 last night, Tara's done 150 and finishing the last 50 right now).
here they are all packed up- thought it was going to take me longer, luckily it was only a few hours. Worked out to about 100 per hour I was able to do.
the conUS….pile? couch?
international awaiting tracking slips:
Hi all here is both a lovely/cool and worthy tee to invest in:
$20 buy here:
Thanks Simonc. -
some updates from CORTER again…
Finn helping out with postage! Went to the post office today- luckily each package can get sent with just stamps, so we stamped up all the packages and took some to be sent. The rest go out tomorrow.
Here's a few pictures from this weekend, made another 500 bracelets!
my gf doing customs forms
Finn playing in one of the bins
We did it- hit $20,000 raised for Japan today! I'm super sick, but on enough meds and orange juice to keep working full speed. Todays orders going to the post office:
and another friend of mine, Lindsey, using her English degree to address packages faster than anyone else yet. We've started a little competition to keep things interesting, she's in the lead with 62 packages/hr, I'm right behind her with 59.
you can purchase these bracelets for as long as orders are comming in!
We hit $25,000 last night, first donation happening today. Here's some from last night. I've been trying to take as many photos as possible, this is something I want to remember for sure!Tara around 1am addressing, Finn keeping company
Yours truly getting buttons in to press. What looks like a loving kiss was actually "why the hell are you taking pictures of yourself working? I'm hungry, no one wants to see your face."
Gilby relaxing through it all this morning on the radiator cover and freshly hung laundry
my friend Tony Luong came over and shot a video last week to document the project I'm doing, and he just shared it!
I think it's really nice, shows my workspace too!
Great updates from Corter, thanks Finn666! They're getting some serious business from me in the very near future for stepping up like they are.