2011 Iron Heart/Aero Party - Saturday 3rd September
OK. We have got the date and venue sorted.
Saturday 3rd September - IHUKHQ in sunny Gosport.
Haraki, Ayumi and perhaps some of the rest of the IHHQ folks will be here. We'll probably start early afternoon and go on till late, with plenty of food and drink throughout. More details will be forthcoming as soon as we have finished scheming.
Come for the day, the night or longer, we don't mind just as long as we see you. We have limited rooms here, most of which are already earmarked, so we're working on some cheap 'n' cheerful overflow accommodation and can also suggest a few local hotels.
Please let Madame Buttonfly know when and how long you will be coming for ASAP, so we can start sorting the logistics.
Be here or be square…........
And Sunday, September 4th
Which just made me think.
Airports in order of preference/ease to get to us:
Southampton - reasonable taxi fare
Gatwick - possible to get to us via train
Heathrow - public transport impossibleIf you are coming into Heathrow on Friday, please try and sync with Beatle as we will have to come and collect you…....
Trains. Regular trains to Portsmouth from london Waterloo and London Victoria......