IH-526Lod - 19oz Left-Hand Twill Selvedge Denim Type III - Indigo Overdyed Black
Any day now, then, I guess. The excitement is palpable!
@Giles Are any retailers picking the jacket up this time around?
Copy that. Still looking like this month?
I thought I had read somewhere that the overdye process adds an ounce or two to the weight of the fabric much like the UHR is 21oz pre soak and 23oz post soak. Is there any truth in that @Giles or am I imagining things.
I thought I had read somewhere that the overdye process adds an ounce or two to the weight of the fabric much like the UHR is 21oz pre soak and 23oz post soak. Is there any truth in that @Giles or am I imagining things.
I lifted this from SE's website for the 14oz od type III that you and I own:
Unsanforized 14.5oz Indigo Selvedge Denim (weighs 16oz after overdye process)
That must have been where I read it.
Kentaurus & Iron Heart Vienna
I know where I’ll be picking
mine up…Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Stonehenge today.
@theshigster Don't worry, we'll make sure you're all aware when they are here!
@theshigster Don't worry, we'll make sure you're all aware when they are here!
Not worried… just joking !
I'm waiting with bated breath ….hopefully measurements work
We fucked up on these - when they are announced, please do not sleep on them. There are not enough for the demand.
@Alex Will you be doing a pre-release announcement with drop time, à la brand-new-product rollout? Or just a standard restock e-mail when they're up and available?
(The former sounds way better to me, cos I don't have my phone set to bleep and ping at me whenever a new e-mail arrives :))
Any thoughts on how this may fade compared to the 14oz? I'm sensing the stiffer, heavier 19oz will contrast quicker, especially given how soon @Jordonf9's seemed to fade.