In Fitness and in Health
Making a friend at the gym that's considerably bigger and stronger than you makes a big difference too. When I was lifting my heaviest, I was trying to keep up with guys that a little guy like me didn't have any business trying to lift with. But the encouragement of my friends helped me tremendously. The biggest influence on me what my buddy Dwight. He was 6'3", 280lbs, and squatted seven plates (45lbs per plate for the uninitiated) on each side. It was a sight to behold, the bar would bend across his back and he needed three spotters
I lift with a trainer once a week, but otherwise I prefer to lift on my own. I think of lifting like tai chi, where I'm trying to lift as much as i can, while performing each each motion perfectly. Probably why the only time I ever hurt myself was when I was doing pull downs and broke my brain because I kept holding my breath. Now that was a headache.
I'm completely the same with this - sleep changes everything.
Sleep affects my overall physical well being tremendously, especially my ability to lift
If you want supplements I'd say stick with the basics. Whey protein, creatine and glutamine are a good holy trinity. I like Optimum Nutrition HydroBuilder, sorta has everything in it already, don't have to mess around too much.
How much are you guys sleeping out of interest? I get about 8hrs a night, but man could I go for more!
Woke up feeling a bit sore in spots I'm not usually sore this morning. Call that an early success for the KB's. Just back from a nice unwinding/opening vigorous swim before a rest day tomorrow.
Its not just the duration but the quality of sleep. The room must have absolutely no light whatsoever (a mask/cover for your eyes does not suffice) and minimal sound/noise level. Going in earlier so you dont wake to an alarm makes a big difference too. Obviously this is not always easy to do. Go for as good as you can get…
If you want to be strong, get Mark Rippetoe's "Starting Strength". It works.
Please let us know any updates. There were huge differences in my quality of life after I started it
If you're new to home workouts via DVD, I recommend watching the workouts first without attempting anything and then starting it all over again and working alongside
First lesson is Diamond Dozen, btw
I've not done yoga before but my wife has. However I've lifted in the past and had good results.
My weight is at about 166-167 but my body fat % is higher than I'd like. Like to get to 160 which is what I was at in the best shaped of my life. Will keep the thread posted with my results.
Just got caught up on this thread. Great post a few pages back Doug, and everybody keep up the great work. For kettlebells I really like and
they do cost more, but lifelong investment, why not buy the best?
Whatever you do, do it safe, and enjoy it! -
no, and again no
Get these. Or similar shaped. Way more balanced and the shape of the handle is good for everybody. Also it helps that you always use same size kettlebell, whatever it weights.
I actually prefer the pavel-style kettlebell handles, with a slight angle:
Me too, I use these:
The angled horns make for a very comfortable grip when you're doing two handed work
Starting the day with some bulletproof coffee. Mmm
French press quality beans. Blend with coconut butter & MCT oil. Am now ready for the day.