Matt's New Mexico (Formerly Airstream) Adventure
Well done @Matt ! Ava looks like a fine addition to the fam, good choice.
She’s so good you guys. She slept through the night, I did not. She snores like my wife. She’s good on a leash. She has a gentle, playful puppy bite which is good because her head is going to double in size probably. We almost passed on her because the shelter said she was a stray and was adopted but returned after 3 days because she was loud and destructive. We went back a second time and took a chance playing with her and she’s awesome. With crate training and vigilance were certain her puppy behaviors will fade quickly. However I have cautioned everyone that the first time she destroys any of my things I’m taking her back immediately. I’m not a total softy.
Good news @Matt ! The family needs to give her a generous daily dose of physical activity to keep her puppy behaviors under control till she grows out of them. Good luck! She is such a good looking dog.