IHSB-BB-NAT - Natural Horsehide Jacket - The Bareback
Great Great Jacket.!
He did say that if I posted this pic, people would say it suits him better than me…. He's right of course (but I did just add $250 onto what one will cost him
It's going to get more expensive for a lot of people if you start charging extra to everyone that looks better in IH gear than you do…
Wow. Only natural leather item I own is a belt and never really considered a jacket until seeing this. Every other jacket I own is either black or grey. On the plus side they are easier to hide from the wife since they all look the same. Would have to get creative with this one though.
I know this isn't the Guile King, but I'm pretty sure it's made of the same leather and is also made by Simmons Bilt. Anyway, I wore it today and made me think of this Fourm. If you all are on the fence, this leather just gets better with age.
Please lord give me strength in this difficult moment.