Random Announcements
sad? are you crazy you love your work & your work loves you. if i loved my work i would be there everyday
quit it Padamore
this is more a rant & letting my envy of what you & the Misses do to earn your keep show
The fact that he spends any of his free time at all hanging around here with this lot of misfits and miscreants should silence any doubts we might have about his sanity.
No said there'd be Texans…
I'm a Liverpudlian, so if I'm allowed on here, everyone should be…
Well, between the Belgians and the Texans, the Forum has pretty much hit rock bottom, so why not let a Liverpudlian participate? Nowhere to go from here but up…
Last time I've donated money to a good cause…
Last time I've donated money to a good cause…
Last time I've donated money to a good cause…
Thats a damn damn shame, honestly.
Taking advantage of others peoples compassion and abusing it. -
This shouldn't put anyone off giving to charity. As I read the article, the Japanese government took money budgeted for tsunami relief and used it for something totally different. This isn't a charitable organization misusing private donations.
Without getting too deeply into politics, that sort of government redirection happens all the time in all countries. However, non-profit groups are regulated by various laws and doing activities like that would be prohibited and open them up to civil liability, lawsuits and possibly criminal prosecution.
I won't try to convince anyone that all charities are pure as the driven snow, but if you do a small amount of due diligence, it's easy to find groups with high standards of transparency, accountability and minimal administrative overhead. Giving to them can be done with a fair degree of confidence that your money will go to do exactly what you expect it to do.
bravo chris. very well said.
sorry, i don't like +1. it's just one of my mental thingies