Random Announcements
Here's some advice. If you ever go take a piss while eating Phò…don't forget that you tore a jalapeño to pieces with your bare hands a few minutes ago. HOLY SHIT!!!!
Ouch!!! Hot pepper….hot salami. Better luck next time.
Here's some advice. If you ever go take a piss while eating Phò…don't forget that you tore a jalapeño to pieces with your bare hands a few minutes ago. HOLY SHIT!!!!
Oh, that made my stomach churn!
in your picture on this thread http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=1268.360 is that the iron heart wallet chain your wearing?
Thanks Dave, looks better on your pic than on the website
Vindication of my photography "skills".
Sorry for the long absence, I did miss this. More to come…
Had to take stock of a few things, raise some cash… Hopefully it's all sorted now and I'll be spending a lot more time here.
I didn't mean to drop away with no explanation, but that's what happened.
He needs some Phish on there. Ask Derivative666, kids love Phish. I'll bring something for Tommy to NYC.
Just been going through the list of bands that Tom wants on his iPod.
- Kiss
- Arcade Fire
- The Black Keys
- Red Hot Chilli Peppers
- White Stripes
- Noah And The Whale
I'm actually quite impressed for a 6 year old
Yo, MP, I'm super stoked you're back.
Thanks Mike, that would be awesome
Mega, Mike is right if you ask my son who is favorite bands are he will tell you Bruce, Clutch & Phish.
The music you hear from your dad will often inform your later taste too. I grew up listening to old Springsteen in the car and my dad dubbed me Hendrix and the Beatles as my first ever cassette. Fast-forward 20-25 years and I've come full circle back to a lot of that stuff. It was funny putting on The River and realising that I knew all the songs from my childhood without even being aware of it.
Guys, Tommy has pretty good taste in music, he hears a lot from me and always says so if he doesn't like it. It's easy to spot when he really likes a song as he sings it at the top of his voice in the car
WHOA! I like that!
Wife's been hanging art in the new home. Damn it makes such a difference.