IHF-2011 - The 2011 Forum t-shirt
no questions are ever stupid [covering my ass here ::)]
this is what i do which is not necessary the best way - normal wash spin dry and when i get them out of the washing machine i "flick" it before hanging them up to dry. I "flick" them again [when they are dry] before i fold them away and then again before i put them on. More of a habit then anything i guess.
Well yeah I always iron my tees because wrinkly tees don't look neat (in my opinion).
@jimmy sorry if this is a stupid question, but I should "flick" the tees when it's fully dried up, right ?
im backing the tie dye 100%
tie dye so sucks
I could just dye….
Tie dyes are sorta like track pants....
Wearing them pubilc isn't always cool...Now, 21oz. track pants...
Nice shot! Now I wanna go for a swim..
"You are the cupcake of my eye.."
I'm so gonna eat that mo-fo cupcake… -
Wearing my forum tee today makes me think…
What's the 2012 forum tee gonna look like?
C'mon, Giles, how about a hint? Or have you not thought about it yet? All I know is that I'm looking forward to a shitamachi fit, super soft & heavy loopwheeled piece of happiness.
Why not? Have you been busy?
What headway was made on XXL?