Repairs & Modifications
sorry its a bit rough, i did it while having dinner ::)
Clean the hole and cut away anything in the way.
you need to anchor the gimp by stitching a few loops with the gimp inside, go around 2-3 times.
again depending on the thread you may need 3-4 thread thick. i only use double here as its a pair of old levis.[you want your thread to be as almost double the thickness of the weft, white thread in the denim]
now we can start. the stitch it self is pretty simple once you get the hang of it.
when the needle comes up loop the thread around the needle like soits simple and you just keep repeating it working your way around the hole.
make sure you take a big enough "bite" see how in the picture below there is a gap two stitches
back from the end, i didn't take enough "bite" and that creates a weak spot.if you are doing it right you should have a nice ridge forming on top of the hole. pull tight as you go and if you run out of thread just anchor and carry one again with a new piece but you will have a gap in your ridge.
finish by looping a few times at the end closing both ends together
cut off and burn the end or tie it off. your done!!
Got my 634S'es… For me, this is the ultimate cut... Much like the SEXIH07bk TTS but less room in the arse... There were two ways of tapering these, I chose for the one that 'ruined' the selvedge line as I don't plan on wearing them cuffed at all... The hem was chainstitched on afterwards...
So yeah, big thanks to:
Got my SRs back from the Denim Doctor today, very pleased with the repair that was done to the hole that had developed by the button hole! It's not the neatest job in the world but I was told this would be so before hand and as it can't be seen it dosen't matter.
The hole
The repair
I'd add that it looks better in real life than my pics show.
Great video
Had to do some repairs on my 634s. I am pretty happy with the outcome.