Looking for interest on my hikers:
Found these on the Viberg blog, does anyone know which shop sells these?
^Those are really nice. Needs info too!
Nice boots, but I'm afraid you will need something else if you intend to run around outside in a moscow winter.
Im getting ready to purchase the viberg x 4horsemen service boot! They mentioned online to size down one full size. I've noticed everyones one sized down a half size. Everyone with a pair is that a good choice? Thank you in advance.
Also Finn do you know by chance are those vmc's available for purchase online anywhere?
great gang there foxy!
Also Finn do you know by chance are those vmc's available for purchase online anywhere?
Roger@VMC does not know what online is…
this :)…and i asked about the pricing on the service and the engineer boots!
both boots are 890SFr. and both are ViberxVMC collaborations...
Im getting ready to purchase the viberg x 4horsemen service boot! They mentioned online to size down one full size. I've noticed everyones one sized down a half size. Everyone with a pair is that a good choice? Thank you in advance.
Also Finn do you know by chance are those vmc's available for purchase online anywhere?
I don't know about everyone else, but I've had six different pairs of Vibergs and my recommendation is to size down one full size from your Brannock device measurements.
wearing my bobcats today. glad i listened to geo & gave these a chance. will post images soon, just putting this here to remind myself
had to add the glow for geo
per geo's recommendation i kept these: