IH-634-XHS - 25oz Selvedge Denim Straight Cut Jeans - Indigo
I suspect not, the overdying process does unpredictable things to the denim. We have had to discard a whole production run of one type of jeans we made once because the overdying process wrecked the jeans. In a denim as expensive as this and with jeans that are so hard to make, I think we'd need our heads examined if we even thought we should give it a go…......
Well, in this particular case, the culprits were a 301 type cut, so the side seams were whipped (the side seams of the 301 type cut are not selvedge). The overdye process effectively ate the crap out of the whipping and the side seams disintegrated. We had to bin them, all 100 pairs…....Of course, this is not likely to be an issue with the xhs, but it illustrates how we can be caught out. And the xhs are simply too costly. I'm not up for the risk......
My IH-634-XHS's will be here Monday.
Fit pic to follow
'36. I want full range of movement with these after break in.
….34.5 for the length.
totally can understand, just interested to see what can happen….
If you are very very very brave, you can always overdye your pair on your own… I did it on an old Levi's jacket, and the result was pretty satisfying. But with a denim so extreme and peculiar, I don't think it's worth to try.