EUROPE: Glad to know it's do-able, been on my shelf for years, with another of his, about WWII. Meawhile, I've been reading some true adventure books, not that history isn't, one being GODFORSAKEN SEA by Derek Lundy, about a round-the-world one-man sailing race. With Giles's friend Ian's continuing onslaught of the seas, thought it may be of interest, then along comes this list today from the BY&N Review page:
Giles, you could start at the beginning, here:…easier than getting the boat ready to put in the water.
enthralled with the song of ice and fire series. almost through the latest one now.
Almost finished w/
going to finish it today.
not what i expected at all. . . thanks again derivative666
if you weren't in the Netherlands i would send it to you to read, sort of a book swap thingy
if you weren't in the Netherlands i would send it to you to read, sort of a book swap thingy
How much does it weigh?.. Add to my package and I'll ship to mvb?..
I ship for free so no need to ship anything back… But this might actually be easier:
I'm currently reading 'Wherever You Go, There You Are' by Jon Kabat-Zinn. It's about mindfulness meditation - something that I really need to incorporate into my life and which I finally feel ready for.
Prior to that I (re) read 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' by Stephen Covey, which is one of my 'life reference' books.
Finishing up HST - Kingdom of Fear today. Going to start on the Steve Jobs Biography at some point this weekend.
Just looking for my copy of "Underground" by Haruki Murakami to give it it's third read… book ever.
I thought it was high time I read some Westerns, so I'm starting with this one:
Dude, post here:
I would happily discuss authors with you.
Well, currently I'm reading up on Vernon Vinge, like him ok so far.
When it comes to sci-fi I like Simmons, Banks, Hamilton, Reynolds and the rest of the classics, right now I'm looking for a large series, not necessarily the same storyline, but the same universe, like Reynolds or Banks. Suggestions?