IH-634S-RAW - 21/23 ounce raw straight cut
always great to be wrong on these sorts of matters, when you have the inventory on hand to fill the demand. plus jaco is my dude, so i had to contribute an uneducated guess
are those your refurbished russies your wearing in the fit pic or are those your redwings?
My guess is 47 pair, waiting for the e-mail from G now…
By the end of tomorrow Giles will be contacted by an investor inquiring about how to best use the funds in his paypal account!
are those your refurbished russies your wearing in the fit pic or are those your redwings?
looks like russell`s to me…
so my guess with 23 is still in the race (eventually!)...but if 2times my guess is right at the end, i`d be pretty happy for you guys!...
purchased !!!!!!!
Hmm..I thought I filled out the form but I don't think I got an email. Can you PM me the link?
incredible 38 pages & these just (pre)released today. wait until the fit pics start coming in, this thread is going to go full beast-mode
I've enlisted…need to raise some war bonds now....
are those your refurbished russies your wearing in the fit pic or are those your redwings?
Refurbed Russells…..