IH-634S-RAW - 21/23 ounce raw straight cut
@Finn, can u update us after u are done with the hot soak from knee down? I'm still thinking if I should do that too. Thanks!
So after an 2hours long hotsoak the inseam is now 90cm (total length) and the hems measure 23.4cm.
So you can say that I've lost ~2cm in length (measured correctly this time,since last time the combs already settled) and 0.4cm in the hem…I'd say just keep on wearing,the differences aren't that noticeable I'd say...
My 634-raw just arrived. The blue bag was really heavy. my first mind: crazy, incredible, thick and stiff as hell.
Soaking hot now.
Chuck - so the week starts of great i see
Thanks Finn, then I think I shall just keep wearing it..
Yessir ;)…
Really nice Finn! Fitpics and post soak measurements of my pair tomorrow.
Here you go guys, as promised! They've stretched quite a bit in the last few days and I'm
planning to get them hemmed as I'm a 30" inseam, these are a 36" and very long on me.
Back side view.Waist is a 34 but has stretched out to a about a 34 1/2, very comfy and buttoning is easy now.
we got pics
Tagged 35 measured 35 raw and are now at 34 soaked…:(
Not sure what to do. Very little (to no) hope of getting them buttoned all the way.
Wasn't able to grab a decent pic, but here's the best I could do for now...
damn, tried to stretch them by hand?
Well, here's what happened as best as I can remember…
Just after midnight on New Year's Eve in a blurry drunken rage I somehow walked straight over to the jeans (I might have even said a few harsh words to them first) , flopped down on the bed and buttoned them straight up. No tools, no gloves or tricks just bare hands 1,2,3,4 bam (not a simple feat as anyone who put these on for the first time can testify, and especially having them a size small in the waist. And I had tried repeatedly earlier in the day and wasn't even close). Even in my stupor I knew this was some sort of a minor miracle but the details are a bit fuzzy...
Yesterday I was able to get them back on in the morning and although they were unbelievably tight I dedicated by day to stretching those bastards. Went for a long walk, did a bunch of yard work, lots of squatting etc. I've heard it said that these would only get an inch of stretch, which would mean since they went down to 34, I'd be able to fit at 35, but with no level of comfort. Then I just made up my mind, fuck it, I'll just power it out and get a little extra stretch out of them (mind over matter). By last night they were still very snug in the waist (fine everywhere else) but it's gonna work out.
Hopefully pics coming soon (and measurements). Yesterday wouldn't work as the sight of the atomic muffin top at first would have sent some of the hungover folks over the edge... -
Finn: that looks great, but I wouldn't double cuff (or triple?)… One less roll and it should look better on those boots imo... Could ya do that and throw up a fit pic for me, dear
E: good to hear, Kat!.. Can't wait for some pics...
will do tomorrow matey…
gotta go now...that all-you-can-eat-chickenwings is waiting