IHSH-49 - Blanket Lined Denim Shirt
We're going to my friends concert this Friday @ Shibuya LUSH… Thought it was next week
Wifey just wants to be in Tokyo for 1 night, 2 days for this almost 3 week trip (go figure)
If your anywhere near Nagoya we'd love to! How long are you in town for?
Can't believe the bullet train is around $400 us currency round trip! Takai
I'm game for superblack!
i think i would buy an od or sb version of this. so you can add me to your count giles.
or sbg….
I like the new cowboy look Georgeel
Georgeel needs cowboy boots
May I suggest one of my favorite places to drool for hours on end http://gallery.me.com/carrlyn#gallery
or http://www.stallionboots.com/boots-thumbs.html
or most of the ones listed here http://www.joenickp.com/texas/bootmakers.html