IHSH-31 Herringbone Flannel
Appreciate the feedback guys!
I've done a hot wash and now I'm waiting for them to dry. Let's hope some shrinkage has occurred.
Update: It shrunk about .5 or so. Not really bothering me too much so I won't fuss about it. I'll probably give it a hot dry when I decide to wash it. But damn, it's a beautiful shirt.
Indeed. Would love to see an reincarnation with green or black/white/blue colour.
You could also do some layering if you feel it's too big, wear a hoodie underneath or so.
Indeed. Would love to see an reincarnation with green or black/white/blue colour.
You could also do some layering if you feel it's too big, wear a hoodie underneath or so.
I agree. With both your statements. ::)
Although it isn't too bad, so I can probably pull off with or without layering.
It's hard to tell how long the sleeves are, but it is clearly long in the body. The finishing at the bottom is simple enough that you might be able to have it shortened without ruining it.
My benchmark for length is if it covers the red W, it's too long. I asked my mom to shorten my 41 by and inch and she wouldn't do it for so little… I didn't attempt to argue
My favourite IH flannel, in my favourite colour. I was really lucky to pick this up from Monday a couple of months back, amazing shirt.
Indeed. Would love to see an reincarnation with green or black/white/blue colour.
You could also do some layering if you feel it's too big, wear a hoodie underneath or so.
I would also love to see a reincarnation on this shirt!! I love the slubby flannel!! so many details and then the herringbone material tops it off.
This is my most versatile shirt in my wardrobe. Plenty warm for fall and spring by itself and great for layering in the winter. Just wish I had more!
Maybe Rafa would sell…
Maybe Rafa would sell…
payment pending already
Maybe Rafa would sell…
payment pending already
^what about your navy one Finn?