Singapore and Indonesia Trip Jan/Feb 2012
Expecting a bombardment of imagery soon…
nice G, hope you're enjoying your stay so far! probably not the weather, but hopefully the food!
Nah, the weather is good. Haha. Quite cooling past few days if u ask me.
haha, sadly not in my area! it rained a couple of times this week, but it's still really hot and humid.
There will some duplication, but I am working on more is better than less…..
ruedi is the one and only raw denim preacher i´d say…
Too true man, only last weekend I was walking around Berlin with him, and he spotted some Swedish dudes wearing raw denim, started talking to them, and they instantly knew who he was…celebrity.
Thanks for contributing to the video guys. You know who you are. Finally get to see you guys in action. (Literally). And I have to mention this. Great fit in the video thinfinn!
Yo, what is the music in the video? I love it.
Love the outcome! Thanks Ika!