sneak preview. It's a snake, representing my mother's Chinese Zodiac, on a tree next to a waterfall.
The snake will be bright orange when it's all done. I'm not sure when I'll be back, hopefully later this year. I love it!
We only got the shading and a little of the water done. Will have an updated pic of it tomorrow. -
my Artist told me to let it dry heal. The tattoo has been removed from it's wrapper for about 5 hrs now and it's getting dry/wrinkling. I googled and there are a lot of spots that recommend a tiny bit of non-scented moisturizer to prevent scabbing.
I want to listen to my artist though.What do you guys think? help a noob out!
It's probably going to scab (at least lightly) no matter what. Although I can be lazy and I've done it, I wouldn't recommend a dry heal unless you've got a bunch of tattoos and been through it.
The lotion route is pretty universal and works great…Remember this...the body wants to be healthy and heal itself, so if you're a reasonably clean and decently healthy person, it should be fine. There are as many opinions on how to heal a tattoo as there are styles of tattoo art out there. Basically many different roads to the same destination. If the tattoo was applied properly you'll be fine either way, but I do believe that some moisture for it is a good thing.
Yes, but a little moisturizer should bring it back to pretty close.
so many reasons lucifer is my guy, above is just one of them.
Thanks so much…
Looking for ideas on how to cover this up or incorporate it into something else. It was my first tattoo when I was 18. Don't dislike it, just want something different there. It's on my left shoulder and it's about 3-4 in height. Ideas? The shape is throwing me off. Would obviously have to be something circular or spiral in fashion, and don't really want to do the cliche barbed wire-esque stuff.
IMG00027-20110304-0722 by bagley920, on Flickr