I like #2
seems we are split
i don't need another pair of anything, but they allhave their own charm about them. the 1st reminds me of a pair of indy's, the second pair that navy blue & the leather, the third that leather color. you all know i'm weak to that leather color by now
oh well
I have a weak spot for leather color all the time, no matter what it is haha.
anyone see the new vans enginer type boots with crepe sole. interesting & i almost entertained it before looking at the state of footwear in my closet. might start selling & giveaways again to make space. they remind me of some ol return of the jedi space age future shoe. not all good but not bad either. . . .
images tonight maybe, you all know i am image slow
It's a brave man that wears those to walk down the street.
Kikuchi those are dope.
feels like i'm walking around in slippers
hahahaha, that is the best picture i ever took, the shoes look just like that. yeah they are a bit over the top, but i'm really into them at the moment
i just had to make a drop off in order to fit them in my closet. i have a self imposed limit on things i can own at one time, other wise it's scary the things i would do. would have put some of them up on the forum for giveaway, but it's easier making a donation to folks that actually need instead of want stuff.
2009 seems so far away
now i understand seul & his plight when we make fun of his choices i still love them, even if to just admire from time to time