Evolution of Leather - Belts Wallets Patches
Here's my 15 oz OGL brazilian leather belt, that is 14 month old now. Has been oiled many times and is still going strong. Will be getting a Samurai heavy curved belt soon, though.
And this was the raw state - colour just like or even lighter than the PB belt.
Oh, OGL does red leather now too? And already I got a plan in my head. Great pick-up!
LeatherGoods Connection small Ponderosa - new:
18 months later:
Should I do anything with my 666's patch? I just stained a belt i bought on ebay and it looks better so far i gave it one coat how many should i do or is one enough. Here are b4 and afters
you don´t oil a belt/patch or whatever to make it look good imo…the "look good" factor comes with wear and with wear only imo. you only need to oil your leathers when you have the feeling that they are too dry and may crack.
o/course oil/wax or other conditioners and also tanning your natural leathers in the sun may help a bit on darkening the leather but the real evo comes only with wear... -
Nicely said Finn
I just couldnt stand looking at the belt in that color. It made me feel like i was wearing a pink belt or something. But what u said finn makes sense. I will leave my patch alone a let it develop on its own..Thanks for the heads up