I don't really like pre-distressed denim anymore but I do like Donwan. He's actually a really nice guy and really knows what he is talking about. Anyways, I thought the above article was interesting and didn't see a PRPS thread yet.
naah, ultra-pre distressed!
Most are distressed, more they cost, check out: this is the Mecca of pre distressed overpriced blue jeans (Balmain, Dior Homme, Dolce & Gabbana, Dsquared, Tom Rebl and PRPS (but not this year):http://www.luisaviaroma.com/index.aspx#getData.aspx|CallType=ListOfProd&des=&cat=40&season=actual&gender=men&group=clothing&style=&ScrollTop=4604&ListOfProdPage=1&SortType=3
We believe that raw, selvedge, high quality japanese denim jeans are expensive…
Not exactly true! There are a lot of pre-distressed, not selvedge, light weight, crappy not japanese denim jeans that cost a lot more!! -
Did you get them, Georgeel? If they'd be roughly my size, I'd be very interested!
13.5 oz
But cannot be compared. Stuff like PRPS, Dior, D&G, Balmain are based on entirely different concepts.
The pre-distress process is considered a VALUE. In fact, in their raw state they are relatively cheaper.
The most they are distressed, the most they are expensive, look, same model (barracuda):
€ 649
€ 349 -
…but 349€ for a raw prps?
My DC 4002 cost only 50€ more...but i get a real jeans for the money!prps is a joke-pre distressed or raw!
Ha. I mean I don't own any PRPS jeans anymore but the raw jeans def aren't a joke. Pretty sure there is a video somewhere around here of the factory where IH jeans are made and they walk by an area where they were making PRPS jeans as well. So, the quality is there, not sure about the prices.
I know that video….the denim was woven the same factory
But the stiching and cutting too?Hmmmmm...what ever
Never mention IRONHEART and paperps in the same sentence!
And the Denim that IH use is particular for IH-only!
Created by the Boss Haraki San!Prps is a true Fashion Label/Brand
Giles please...make some words about this theme:-/
yep there is that video somewhere, have some PRPS things here around (since I used to get them for free) and I still like to wear some stuff from time to time, but this is just nothing you can compare to IH, totally different level and focus imo…
Look here;-)
yep there is that video somewhere, have some PRPS things here around (since I used to get them for free) and I still like to wear some stuff from time to time, but this is just nothing you can compare to IH, totally different level and focus imo…
Same boat. I still have one jacket from them(that i got free) and id say the brand actually pushed me into good denim. I'd be on a PRPS forum if the quality was IH quality but it def isn't that high.