SExIH07IIIBK (Self Edge x Iron Heart Type III Modified)[OG]
The rule as I have learned after many years of being on forums is don't say anything to anyone you wouldn't say to the biggest, baddest motherfucker in the bar holding a shotgun in one hand and a bottle of JD in the other
I soo agree, ROFL etc…
Having see some some of the bitchiest forum tantrums over the years I would say that this forum is a paragon of virtue. Nothing worse than 10 ten pages of hand bags at dawn...
It's all good guys. You heard what I had to say and I heard what you had to say. I guess we understand each other.
Lando, you'll be able to follow the overdye experiment in the Cheap Jeans thread I started. I found a seller of a natural indigo dyeing kit. That's what I'll use. I didn't want to go as far as to collect the weed and make my own indigo as one of the guys on superfuture's denim forum. I have washed the jeans in question once so far just to get rid of any shrink or excess dye or starch. They basically didn't change at all except for a little starch being washed out and the material being softer now. Expect results in late spring only, unfortunately.
I figure if it's going to come off so easy off the jeans, it's going to come off easy on whatever it transfers to…
Probably, yes. I would still be careful if sweat is involved, though. Shouldn't be a problem for the jacket but with the jeans around the waist it might be. The sweat and acidity of the sweat could help to make the dye adhere to the fiber of a t-shirt for example more permanently. Just thinking aloud here. I would wear only dark stuff with it until the piece is well worn in and washed a couple of times.
Just an FYI. There are currently 3 size 36's and 1 size 40 at SESF. Look online!
Yah, I know LandoCal. You mean a 36, doncha ? I think I'm gonna go with this instead for now :
I was going to do the custom-made steerhide version (as announced on the "…Dreams" thread I started), but Till actually convinced me to go with the "ready-made" Ladies Lambskin. He said I'd like it much more, that it's much more comfortable. And I thanked Till for saving me $400 !
Yah, I know LandoCal. You mean a 36, doncha ?
You are correct. My bad.
The SEXIH07IIIBK is insanely, outrageously, ridiculously beautiful. You will not hear an argument from me on this count – cuz the jacket be FINE indeed. My biggest problem with it is the cost : I just don't see spending nearly $500 on a jean jacket. A very nice one indeed. But's a jean jacket. Unless I have $500 sittin' around which I can't find use for...I probably will not buy this jacket. But then again, I may well find myself with $500 sittin' around which I can't find use for...and if that happens, SEXIH07IIBK in a Size 36, here I come ! Fortunately for me, there are still Qty 3 in 36 left...and they don't seem to be selling fast.