Photograph and Camera talk
G12 & crackberry
The exposure compensation dial on the G12 is the dial on the top left of the camera.
I woud do the following. Set the camera pointing at a static image. Then take 5 shots: +2, +1, 0. -1 and -2, see how the exposure of the shot changes. From this you should be able to work out how to adjust the exposure when you take pics on the timers.
It'll take a bit of practice.
And read this….
thank you for theat bit of knowledge Lord Gile$. will see if my images improve
Finn love 2, 4 & 5
Very nice Lucifer. What equipment are you shooting with?
Very nice Lucifer. What equipment are you shooting with?
those are all with a nex-7, most of them with a contax-g zeiss 90/2.8, but one is from the nikkor 180/2.8 ED.
2nd photo is great