The Evolution of Iron Heart
My TWHR01's - 8 months and their 3rd wash:
Bigger pix here:
Sitting here in my 634S's which I started on a week ago. Really looking forward to their progression. I am amazed at your multiple pairs of incredible fades, combs, and whiskers! Keep those flicks coming! Nice job Giles and drz!
Giles, you just sold me on getting a pair of 634s when my 1001's needed to be rotated out.
1001's? I could be waiting some time then ::)
Alex, our prodigal son, arrived yesterday to spend Christmas with us, he was sporting his 2 year old Indigo Riders Jacket:
Here are a few pics:
- that's a nice teaser ***
OK, so here are a few more:
Another pair of my 634S - about 12 washes:
IH-461, unknown history:
Another pair of IH-461, unknown history:
Hiromotos IH-9461, 6 months daily wear - 5 washes:
IH-634S, 8 months, unknown number of washes:
Tom Boys - unknown history:
IH-634 (I think), all else unkown:
I am really curious to see some evo pics of the 07 indigo version …please post whatever pics you have
I'll try to get some pics this weekend. I do a lot of travelling in my jeans, and they show it. As it stands, the jeans have already been to Annapolis MD and Edison NJ, as well as all over Downstate NY. That's since New Years
By April, they'll have seen Annapolis MD again, Atlanta GA, and San Juan Puerto Rico
By September, they'll have seen been to Annapolis a few more times, New Orleans LA, Washington DC more than once, Newport Beach CA, Seattle WA, and anywhere else the government decides to send me
This should be an interesting year