SExIH07IIIBK (Self Edge x Iron Heart Type III Modified)[OG]
Yah, I know LandoCal. You mean a 36, doncha ? I think I'm gonna go with this instead for now :
I was going to do the custom-made steerhide version (as announced on the "…Dreams" thread I started), but Till actually convinced me to go with the "ready-made" Ladies Lambskin. He said I'd like it much more, that it's much more comfortable. And I thanked Till for saving me $400 !
Yah, I know LandoCal. You mean a 36, doncha ?
You are correct. My bad.
The SEXIH07IIIBK is insanely, outrageously, ridiculously beautiful. You will not hear an argument from me on this count – cuz the jacket be FINE indeed. My biggest problem with it is the cost : I just don't see spending nearly $500 on a jean jacket. A very nice one indeed. But's a jean jacket. Unless I have $500 sittin' around which I can't find use for...I probably will not buy this jacket. But then again, I may well find myself with $500 sittin' around which I can't find use for...and if that happens, SEXIH07IIBK in a Size 36, here I come ! Fortunately for me, there are still Qty 3 in 36 left...and they don't seem to be selling fast.
OK, I'm seriously weakening when it comes to the SEXIH07IIIBK guys. I read on SuFu – as commented by owners of this jacket -- that it's heavy as fuck. I mean, this monster may be heavier than the Schott leather jacket I just bought...or at least as heavy ! If there's still a size 36 available in March, I'm caving in...I'm buying one. Here's hoping that all diminutive people in the universe are dead broke !
I haven't gone to Self Edge to try the SEXIH07IIIBK on yet. I'm a bit curious. My fear is that the length won't be right. I like short jackets. The one Giles sent me – the IH Ladies S -- was perfect length-wise -- just too tight across the chest area (so I had to return it to him). I don't like longish jean jackets. Gail Hawkins at Schott NYC said "NO WAY" to a Men's 36 Schott jacket for me -- she insisted that the length would be too long on me -- which is why I ended up ordering the Women's in lambskin.
36, 40, 42 Now Available!!!
The 40 is now gone…
You only live once, right ?
Damn Right! Unless you have kids or can't eat, I say go for it!
I just realized that I have not posted an actual flick of me wearing my favorite jacket yet. Here you go…
[Image Missing]
Nike Hoodie
Dry Bones Dual Pronged Belt (Not Pictured)
Sugar Cane Okinawa
Red Wings -
funny how the Okis made it full circle from Beatle to Cheep to Lando…. :)maybe one day thet'll make it back to - fit pic looks great - can't wait to put it on myself..patience and another 2 months...
Wow Beats, I had no clue they were yours before Cheap?!? Did you wear them at all or sell them Raw? Thanks for the compliments all! Don't worry B, it is fully worth the wait!!!
only a couple of days…I like when pants are getting passed along - this way they really see the world
I agree. Maybe I can send them on a vacation out to you? Ha, that's silly. Anyhow, I enjoy them even more now!