Bitch Please… FAKE Iron Heart?
I would list off everything that looks off, but it is too easy. If this looks remotely real to you, then you are in the wrong place.
They are not even trying, that looks like crap …
I love how the pocket flap and button placement are Flat Head styley. At first I thought it was a nylon type III, then I saw the shitty factory fades. It's NOT possible to knock off IH, materials and construction are too hard to match/copy.
Mike, it is actual two jackets. One is a Nylon (attempt) at a typeIII and the other is a pre distressed (attempt) at a typeIII. Shameful.
Oh and apparently you can spot IH fakes whenever something is advertised with a IH sticker on it… ???
I cant understand who these shisters are aming this crap at, if you know about IH your not going to touch this with a shitty stick, if you don't know about IH then the name means nothing and your not going to be interested, it's not exactly High Street?
Spot on, but really everything is being faked these days, so I am not that surprised.
I could see my grandma calling my mom and saying: "What's that company my grandson likes?"
My mom would relpy: "I think it's Iron Hard…"
And granny saying: "Oh, not Iron Heart?"
And then christmas morning zip zam..
I have a new lawn care jacket.. -
another innovation from iron heart, denim that loses weight once soaked! haraki-san just doesnt know how to stop!
this pair was found in a mall on the outskirts of jakarta, indonesia. the original pics were taken by a member of the indonesian denim forum darahkubiru, in this post: