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I have the same issue, only with mints… My oldest jeans even show wear on my pocket where I stash my candies during work... I brush my teeth 3x a day, and always ALWAYS have a minty breath at work... People with bad hygiene and bad breath can fuck right off
Not eating meat (vegetarian for 10 years now) helps a lot though...
OMG, is that little thing real ? I saw it…I thought it was a stuffed animal. Hey, I'm an animal lover too Seul, but I do eat meat (all kinds except seafood), and I have (as you know) a big old German
Shepherd. And, yes -- I can relate to the love of leather but I don't feel guilty about it. No sense justifying it because it's definitely vain and conflicted in uncountable ways -- but, so what ? -
Simon, it's OK. Everyone is different. Do what makes you happy – as long as you're not ignorant of the sacrifices you must make -- then it's cool. Me ? I'm a social butterfly on forums and at work, but privately, I'm a loner. I'm not a marry-able entity. I don't believe in marriage and's just not for me.
OMG, Seul…I guess that's a compliment. I have two teenage nephews whom I love dearly, so I guess that counts. I'm the "cool aunt" who delivers the same messages as my sister the Mom, but with a much cooler vibe. So rather than, "Don't drink or smoke", I say "Don't you dare fucking drink or smoke, or I'll kick your little asses all the way over to Siberia !" Or, rather than "Don't get a girl pregnant", I say "If you get a girl pregnant, I don't want your fucking baby and I won't help take care of it".
Well, if the look in your eyes doesn't deceive me, I'd say that's an empty threat. If he got a girl pregnant you would probably kick his ass to the outer universe first but then you'd be all over the bundle of joy!
Am I right?
i gave away all my true religions except for a few pairs. haha
Good work!
Simon - Well now that you have switched to Iron Heart, women will like you because you are are stylish and comfortable with your appearance instead of the fact that they "look expensive."
wtf, a class till 10pm? is that common in the us?
Yes it is pretty common especially at Community/ City Colleges.