Random questions to which you seek an answer
OK I need some advice…I love the IHSH-45 but really need to add a nice boot to my collection. I want to keep my purchase around $250 to $300. This may be a bias group to ask this but IYHO considering I have 1 IH item and would like to start adding to it so I can build outfits. I also don't have any well made boots. MOst of my previous buying was on shit like Dolce & Ferragamo shoes and I mean "SHIT" I was on this Designer brand kick for quite some time. What do u think will set me on my way better? One more question I like SD boots that look like THe wolverine 1000 mile collection. What would u say would be a good boot that looks similar to these? I was told that Wolverines aren't well made so thats why i am thinking of another brand..Any help will be greatly appreciated..Oh and need help with sizing..I wear a 12 usually but i have a severe case of flat feet
DD, check out the Red Wing Iron Rangers…
What do u guys think of these..Totally not SD's but thought they were cool
Never really can go wrong with indys, could get slightly used for 300
Don't know what those are ..any links or pics?
If I buy Whites my fiance will throw the ring in my face lol …She is still talkin about the 666XHS's I bought 2 weeks ago.
I love the RW Beckman's I wish they came with a dress sole