IHSI-02 - "Motorcycle Chain" Bracelet - Sterling Silver
Just bear in mind that the neanderthal wrist pictured above, required the addition of 2 extra links…...
It is now in the above post for those who are curious.
you are a beast for that pick-up. shoreman, your shipping skills are impressive to say the least. i can't get to the other side of NY (true story)
@ironheartboss :).
that ring is a beauty! any chance of getting it?
Well, that was for a one-off bespoke ring that we had to design from scratch, make samples etc etc….
WHAT A WASTE! my mate who was sitting beside me in office immediately commented how gorgeous the ring is.
I would imagine that ring would sell extremely well. I know I would buy it.
I would buy it too if the price isn't gonna blow my wallet apart.
but oh well it seems impossible to get my hands on it now.