IHT-1001~1012 2010 T-SHIRTS
ITH-1003 & ITH-1004 are keepers. . . black & white colorways. would have to see the actual products to give my take on the purple color way. . . I'm a big boy & don't want to resemble Barney in any way shape or form.
Why no red, blue, or grey. . . black, white, & purple??? Any story behind the color way selections?
Okay so I have the answer from The "BOSS" himself, Haraki-San on this very topic. As I read this right before I went out Saturday night, I made sure to inquire for you specifically Monday. So I asked why the choice of the purple in the Spring 2010 t-shirts? He simply laughed and said "that he just likes purple."
1006 is damn near an Aston Martin logo is it not ???
LandoCal126 thanks for asking my question & for posting the reply.
sometimes purple is just purple & that's all there is to it
took all my will power to not paste Barney in here. patiently awaiting the spring lineup
You really wear that out of the house? I am not assuming anything but that is one sure fire way of being ignored by Women…
When you are married, you can wear that shit and get away with it. Not like I even know if STAN is married or not, but just an opinion…