Sitting with Kat sat & sun can't wait
Sitting with Kat sat & sun can't wait
Oh ok. Well shoot me a PM as I would love to come by and say hello.
Watch out, your belly button looks like lunch…
Got a few. Here's the back job, which was done about 6 years ago. (The pics were taken soon after completion).
The original sketch my artist drew up for me. Now I have it framed on my wall - it's simple and close inspection shows where it was rubbed out/altered, but that's what I love about it. It shows the many small changes the design went through.
And the final product - many hours later. I went every fortnight for a few months until it was done. there have beena few mod's made since these pics were taken.
A little bit more detail.
Back when I used to wear diesel jeans!Might get some pics of my other stuff up here at some stage too.
RnR. -
13 hours later. Thank you Kat!!!! Absolutely Great Guy!!! Tattoo will be finished next time I head out west.
great look d666.
so it's a poppa koi? great look,what do the 3 peony mean? (i think that's what the flowers are called)
13 hours? you are special person to sit for sessions like that back to back
*Kat cool as hell ain't he, have a safe flight back home
Aside from being an amazing artist. You couldn't meet a better guy. I feel very fortunate to have been able to get work done by Kat.
^peony represents wealth, good fortune, masculinity & a daring attitude
Started some Thomas Hooper madness.
That a SxE Tattoo?
Aside from being an amazing artist. You couldn't meet a better guy. I feel very fortunate to have been able to get work done by Kat.
I still think he showed his true brilliance and artistry on my feet….