***Happy Birthday***
Another Gemini Birthday shout to both Finn666 and nerkg! Enjoy your day boys.
Happy birthday nerkg, and Rafa
Happy Birthday to the 2 yutes
A very Happy Birthday to nerkg and my dear Rafa!
Happy Birthday Guys!!!!
Happy Birthday to your friendly, neighbourhood moderator LandoCal126, have a good one buddy
Happy Birthday Lando!
Do I remember you saying you got all of your birthday drinking out of the way last weekend…?
Thank you all for the extremely kind words and wishes. I can't think of anywhere I would rather be then right here with you all. Okay, maybe I am lying but it was one of the first things I did this AM upon waking up. Cheers to you all!
Do I remember you saying you got all of your birthday drinking out of the way last weekend…?
You just might. However, things can/ have/ will take a turn for the worse once some people start to come around…
Will have a beer on you tonight, Lando!..
Thank you gentlemen, I will do the same in your honor!