The Evolution of Iron Heart
Yes. The back of the knee but also the right upper thigh. Certainly just a photo/light effect if you say it doesn't look like that in reality. But sometimes there can be pretty crazy effects when one uses a particular combination of washing powders and softeners. Even the body's sweat can discolor clothing. Not to mention when you put something of a different color in the washing machine that doesn't belong there. That's what I thought had happened. I'm glad the jeans are perfectly alright in real life.
Otherwise, we would have certainly heard your outcry OMG! I dyed my IH purple!
Haha yeah you prob would have
heardread my feelings of terror if that were the case. They have not yet touched the washer, dryer, or any cleaning products of any type. Uh oh, maybe my perspiration is toxic??? :o :o :oGiven your recent posted purchases, your perspiration might well be regarded as toxic, but that wasn't what I was thinking of.
There was this German national soccer trainer that got into an awful lot of trouble because they found traces of cocain consumption in his hair. I didn't even know that was possible.
My GF's sweat discolors all her t-shirts. It's pretty crazy. She is a quasi-vegetarian and lives a super healthy live but something is in her sweat that makes stuff change color.
Sweat will always stain …mostly white t shirts. Normal. Cocain and most drugs can be found in ur hair. Every pair of denim fades uniquely and depending on wear, temp , body movement. Certain shades of blue may vary - the same way the actual lighting situation might change /alter the precise color of an object.
Allright - less chit chat - more pics...
They were worn for just 2 months. Every day on a ranch in Momtana. G
'Momtana', yeah! Mom's ranch is incredibly hard on denim.
How many washed over that period? Would be good to know because that's some really high contrast fade. Quite a bit of fade also for 60 wears only.
^ they look good man. and its really unfair to compare the 301s to the 634sr. The sr has a more rigid denim that is guaranteed to give amazing contrast fades asap! Though yours are the slimmer cut, the sr's have that rigid denim handicap. Think of it like a pair of STF's compared to a pre-shrunk 501. the stf will produce faster fades.
Simon, yours look more worn than my Black Cyclists – which I wore about 45 days. But since SEXIH03BK is not selvedge, maybe that's normal.
Shubs that is not the case. It most likely has to do with the fact that Simon is a teenager who is harder on his jeans than you who are typically in the office most of the week. Just my opinion.